Anthony Lepore

Anthony Lepore

Conditionally Sort and Toggle in React

When migrating from vanilla JavaScript to React, I regretted the loss of the DOM manipulation skills I worked hard to develop during the JavaScript module of the Flatiron curriculum. However, while working on my final React/Redux project, I was able to learn how to conditionally render using state and the ternary operator in my render() as a way to continue to manipulate the DOM without having to refresh the page.

The React/Redux Trade Journal

A journal is a must-have for when undertaking any serious endeavor. Among the journals I personally keep, my notebook for the FlatIron Software Engineering program is a living journal of my progress through the world of coding. When I first walked through the doors of a professional securities trading jobs, the first thing we learned on the first day of trading was how to keep a trade journal. I personally was never satisfied with any of the electronic journals for logging trades that were available. Therefore, when my final project at FlatIron came around, I felt had the skills to develop the trade journal that I’ve always wanted.

Jazz Club Reviewer

This is a Jazz Club Reviewer which uses a Rails API backend with a JavaScript-based frontend.

How I Stopped Being a Hater and Learned to Love Rails

“If you want to fly in the sky, you need to leave the earth. If you want to move forward, you need to let go the past that drags you down.” – Amit Ray

An App to Log the Current Tempo of your Drum Technique Practice

Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another. – John Dewey